Brief author bio:
As an intuitive who senses energy in a variety of ways, Mariane E. Weigley, JD writes, speaks, teaches, and publishes what it means to be an energy being, a being of light. She earned her JD from Marquette University Law School and her BBA in business and education from the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
Full author bio:
As an intuitive who senses energy in a variety of ways, Mariane E. Weigley writes, speaks, teaches, and publishes what it means to be an energy being, a being of light. She writes her story from the soul’s perspective—that is, everything is about energy. She received her BBA in business and education from the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 1973 and earned her JD from Marquette University Law School in 1992. Following her divorce from a twenty-five-year marriage and realizing she “didn’t have a life,” she turned to counseling, meditation, and journaling. This work resulted in a profound shift at the age of fifty-two. As part of her healing process, she began to write—to heal herself and ultimately, lay the groundwork for helping others. The result is the Abuse & Energy™ Series. Peace & Energy, Book 3 completes this series. Deep Energy, Book 2 in the series, follows the initial book Abuse & Energy.
Born in southeastern Wisconsin, Mariane has lived in Hawaii and California. She returned to reside in her home state of Wisconsin in 2017.
With the completion of her Abuse & Energy™ Series, Mariane now also shares her message through talks & podcasts locally, regionally, and across the country.