Empowerment Begins When the Reaction Ends
A compelling journey from Abuse to Energy, Mariane Weigley takes her readers to a greater understanding of the essential idea You Are More Than You Think You Are.
What Early Readers Say…
“She writes with heart, honesty, and integrity. I have witnessed her healing and her ability to become filled with peace, harmony, strength, and safety. . . . I hope that this book gives you the courage to start on your personal road to healing and recovery from the pain in your life be it physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual.”
— Jo Ann Cooper, PhD, Psychologist Member, American Psychological Association Diplomate, American Academy of Pain Management Fellow, American College of Forensic Examiners
“. . . teaches the tools of healing the soul injured by abuse, trauma, hurtful family dynamics. . . .” (Excerpt from the Foreword)
— Janice DeCovnick, PhD, Clinical Psychologist Member, American Psychological Association
“. . . this enlightening, inspiring book will open their eyes to the insidious, far-ranging impact of emotional abuse. More importantly, it will show how to regain the confidence and courage to create the quality of life you want, need, and deserve . . . now, not someday.”